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Archive for August 13th, 2010
Well rock me Amadeus, if it isn’t a case of possible composer concealment in the Windows Phone 7 camp. The device many had speculated to be the phone known as Schubert has now been given a new identity, it is now likely to be know as HTC Mozart. It appears that HTC’s codenaming conventions for WP7 devices will be after famous composers, but whether the names are related to the hierarchy of the devices isn’t clear but if so a Mozart, Bach or Beethoven named phone would certainly reside pretty far up the list. This would also be in keeping with its Desire meets Droid Incredible looks, both up near the top of the Android tree. Aussie operator Telstra first mentioned a WP7 device called Mozart back in mid-June but pictured with the advert was the regular WP7 stock phone photo, not really giving much away except to confirm a device existed.
Read on for further images:

This morning HTC has sent out some mysterious invites to an event in September taking place in London. And with some image manipulation skills, people have managed to uncover something that looks very close to the leaked HTC Desire HD hiding in the invite. (see below). There have been videos and photos of this device and this could be the event it comes out of the smoke. However, there are some other theories that are saying that this device is the HTC Schubert, which runs Windows Phone 7. The Schubert is another device that we have seen photos and videos of, but I don’t think that we will see the Schubert on September 15th as Windows Phone 7 isn’t scheduled for launch until Christmas time. But I guess it won’t be long to wait before we find out.
It’s that time again. The time when HTC invite us to come and see what delightful phones they have been working on. The event will take place on the 15th of September at an undisclosed location in London.
So, what could it be? Well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out it will either be the next Android Device or the first HTC Windows Phone 7 device. Or it may even be both.
Either way we will be there to cover the news and get some hands on time with the device/devices.
Posted by: James
It’s been a while since we brought you eXpansys Friday deals so we thought we’d give you this weeks top five products from eXpansys.
Check out the top 5 after the break:

At the Google mobile event, they announced Chrome to Phone. For those who are not familiar with Chrome to Phone, it lets you send information and links from your browser straight to your Android phone. To do this you need to get the Chrome to Phone browser extension for Chrome, and then you also need to download an Chrome to Phone Android app. Once you have done this, all you need to do is click one button and then it will send the current web page, map, YouTube video or phone number to your phone. However, Chrome to Phone will only work with Android phones that have Froyo. Video tutorial here.

The iPhone drastically beats Android into the ground when it comes to gaming. But that could be about to change, as Engadget claims to have received info from a “trusted source” that Sony Ericsson is developing a gaming device running on Android 3.0. Engadget says that the hardware is a cross between a Samsung Galaxy S and a PSP Go, with gaming controls and PSP buttons instead of a QWERTY keyboard. Other rumoured features include a 3.7″ or 4.1″ capacitive WVGA touchscreen, a 5 MP camera and a 1 GHz Snapdragon processor. The device is going to be mainly black but the gamepad will be silver or white. Note that the image above is an Engadget mockup of what the device could look like.
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