Vodafone has kindly decided to slash the price of using a smartphone for UK consumers travelling in Europe. How decent of them.
The new pricing provides daily and monthly rates for customers to use their domestic smartphone data plans when they are abroad. Those who travel occasionally can take a domestic data plan abroad for ?2 per day, which represents a cost reduction of up to 60% over existing plans and includes an increase to the data allowance.
Meanwhile, frequent travellers can select to take a price plan which includes data roaming within their monthly domestic package. Both offers are available for consumer or business customers.
The new plans will be rolled out in Vodafone’s major European markets during November and December 2010, in time for the winter holiday season, and across the company’s entire European footprint by summer next year.
The announcement is backed by a major marketing campaign with the strapline ‘feel free to use your smartphone abroad’.
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