Samsung Galaxy SIII Outsells Competition
It’s official that the Samsung Galaxy SIII is the most pre-ordered mobile phone in history. The last pre-order figures before release had topped a stunning 9 million handsets.
The pre-order numbers have probably benefitted from the new JUMP contracts (which stand for Just Update My Phone) and allow customers to switch between mobile phone deals, service providers and the latest models with minimum fuss. The Galaxy SIII is being called the ‘iPhone killer’, and in the UAE it’s even being subsidised.
The phone has received positive feedback overall. It’s been praised for being comfortable to hold in the hand, despite its large screen size. The 1.4Ghz quad core processor is also touted to be incredibly fast and indeed this is one of the Galaxy’s leading new features. Indeed perhaps the only thing that seems to be worth criticising is the battery cover, which remains as thin and plasticky as it did in other models. This has become something of a running joke with the Galaxy models and it’s a design flaw that Samsung just can’t seem to find a way around.
In the US, AT&T will be carrying a special edition red version of the phone but it will not be offering customers the 32GB version, leading to some speculation of a compromise. The phone is yet to launch in the US, and other regions will only be carrying the standard Marble White or Pebble Blue editions.
Meanwhile, Samsung continues to hit home runs with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate. The Exhilarate phone will features 80% consumer recycled material and has an incredibly efficient charging system that alerts the users when the phone has sufficiently charged. It has also been certified by UL Environment. Samsung is currently on a winning streak of establishing itself as an innovator in the mobile market.
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