A quick heads up and a twist on our Samsung Galaxy S III Review
I’m sure you saw our Samsung Galaxy S III unboxing the other day, if not I do hope you have a good excuse! Anyway, our man Vince now has the device but rather than just doing our normal style of review I decided we would add a little twist to it.
With the Samsung Galaxy S III being dubbed as the Android smartphone of the year I thought it may be a good option to put the GSIII up against the HTC One X which is clearly Samsungs main competitor at the moment.
So the nice people at HTC have kindly sent us another One X and Vince is going to put the two flagship devices head to head in the review.
Which one comes out on top is anyone’s guess and to be honest if you are in the market the decision may just well come down to personal preference.
So Vince has his work cut out this week. If you have any specific questions you would like to put to him of features you would like comparing in the review please feel free to comment in the forum.
Fingers crossed the review (battle) will be live later this week.
Posted by: James
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