Angry Birds for Android is here and it’s free
Perennial iPhone favourite, Rovio’s Angry Birds has finally left the beta stage and is now a fully fledged released product for Android handsets. You’ll need to be on 1.6 or about, be able to run Open GL ES 2.0 and have a display larger than QVGA (320 x 240) and currently it’s only available from and Motorola SHOP4APPS. No word on a release date onto the Android Market but it can’t come soon enough with the getjar page currently down through what I guess to be quite a pounding.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Angry Birds phenomenon, it’s one of those games with a very simple premise but it still offers a good challenge. Best described as an Avian catapult kamakaze simulator with a touch of Worms, the titular birds are somewhat peeved by their eggs being stolen by an up-to-no-good group of pigs – green at that. The idea is the birds are so angry at this loss, they are prepared to sacrifice their own lives to destroy the flimsy dwellings built by the green pigs (pigs, it appears, just don’t get excel in construction), and to this end the player fires them from a catapult into the birds dwellings to destroy both the pigs inside and the properties outside. Different birds have different uses – the yellow fast one to barrage through wood to the little blue cluster bird. It’s clever and requires more thought about gravity than you might imagine.
Angry Birds is one of those games (like Mario) where you feel mistakes are by you and not the game, so you keep on trying. That, plus its pick-up and play nature makes it a great game, and a total bargain for zero pence. Now there is no reason to miss it.
Posted By: Ian
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