Windows Mobile 6.1 screens leak out
I suppose it has been quite a while since we last saw a decent news leak. Just the other day The Boy Genius Report posted dozens of screen grabs from their new Motorola Q9 which had the upcoming Windows Mobile 6.1 installed on it!

Windows Mobile 6.1 is evolution not revolution, but looking at the screen shots you could be forgiven for thinking that this was an all-new OS.
You’ll find a lot of new prettys screens and icons in the user interface with the ability to scroll left and right to access missed calls, emails, SMS etc. You’ll now be able to set your own homepage in Internet Explorer, plus you can now zoom into pages on top of a lot of new interface refinements. At last you’ll be able to copy and paste in Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard (smartphone) and theres also a threaded SMS system included.
I guess it’ll be a while before WM6.1 makes it to the mainstream and I suspect that there will be a lot of bootleg versions knocking around before it’s official but I’m looking forward to seeing what else MS have crammed in to the update.
Posted by: Mark
[Post tag(s): smartphone blog, Pocket PC blog, Windows Mobile 6.1, WM6.1, Tracy & Matt]
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