Home » Archives for July 24, 2010
Archive for July 24th, 2010
Salomondrin.net has done it again. They have shown us a new BlackBerry Bold, this one is allegedly the 9780!
Specs are sketchy but it is believed to have 512mb of flash memory.
Clearly running BlackBerry 6 this is good news and possibly bad. The good news is that RIM are also focusing on non touch screen devices as well as the touch screen ones we have already heard about.
The bad news is that is it possible that the current Bold 9700 will not be upgradable to BlackBerry 6? If this is the case I will be very disappointed.
Lets hope we get to see this new Bold on video soon.
Posted by: James
If you are are BlackBerry user and also use Twitter than you will more than likely be aware of UberTwitter as it is, in my opinion, the best BlackBerry Twitter app available.
The good news is UberTwitter have just released a new version if their beta which includes different coloured themes, something we have not seen before, and a slightly different user interface style. If you fancy giving it a try just click here from your BlackBerry browser and download for free.
I’m loving the new green logo UberTwitter!
Posted by: James

For, what seems to be the best PR move in history, Samsung UK has been pleasing frustrated iPhone customers by giving away a free Galaxy S to owners of the iPhone 4 who have had reception issues. How are they doing this? Well, through their twitter account of course. You do not need to give them anything, execpt for your address, and then they will send you out a free Galaxy S phone!
Official Statment from Samsung:
Recently there has been a real increase in online activity from consumers dissatisfied with some of our competitors’ products. We decided to contact a cross section of individuals to offer them a free Samsung Galaxy S as a replacement, as we’re confident that once people have the phone in their hands, they’ll see how impressive it is for themselves.
It seems that Samsung have already given out quite a few of these Galaxy S devices. Sure beats a free bumper case.
A few months ago I got my hands on the Archos 5 Internet Media Tablet and we did a little review of the portable media player.
This time I’ve got my hands on the Archos 5 Internet Tablet to review. So at this point you may be wondering if I’ve just repeated myself in the last two sentences. However, the two devices are indeed different. The hardware on both the Internet Media and the Internet Tablet are much the same, the come in 32GB to 500GB models for example. However where they differ is in the operating system. The Internet Media tablet having a custom Linux-based OS and the Internet Tablet has a more standard Android operating system. We thought it would be worth seeing what this Android version had to offer.
As always the review is in the making but for now you can take a look at the unboxing video below.
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