Don’t you just love the internet for it’s ability to spread rumour and speculation? There are always new phones and other devices rumoured and HTC seem to be running a close second behind Apple when it comes to speculation about new and as-yet unannounced handsets.
About a month ago someone messaged me through the site to say that they’d heard that there was a new device coming from HTC called the HTC Ace. They asked if I knew anything about it, at the time I knew nothing and having asked HTC, drew a blank.
We forgot about the Ace for a little while, device names get mentioned all the time and frequently come to nothing. Then about a week or so ago a few more questions about the Ace came my way. More enquiries to HTC but still nothing confirmed, no surprise there.
So this is what we have heard about the HTC Ace, which I must point out is pure rumour at the moment but I’ve had it from a few unrelated sources.
Question: What do you get if you cross the HTC Evo with the HTC Incredible?
Answer: The HTC Ace!
The HTC Ace will be a new Android 3.0 powered smartphone, running a dual-core snapdragon CPU. It will be a large touchscreen device, 4.3″ AMOLED like the HTC HD2 or EVO but styled more like the HTC Incredible. An 8 megapixel camera with flash. GPS and all the other nice bits that we’ve come to expect from an HTC Handset.
Obviously we’ll try to find out more and will have our ear very close to the ground and we’ll post more as we get it!
Posted by: Matt
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