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Archive for July 19th, 2010
Earlier today we showed you the forthcoming web kit browser from RIM courtesy of salomondrin.net and the goodness continues. In the below video he shows us the media features on the BlackBerry 9800 Slider.
As you will see the visual changes to the music player, photo gallery and video player are pretty amazing. As well as looking great the new OS seems to flow beautifully and is rather nippy. See how quickly the screen rotates.
I am so excited about this I need to go have a wee.
Enjoy the video.
Nobody can say that they’re particularly surprised about this one. As the US carrier Verizon, has just confirmed that they are no longer going to sell both Kin phones and they are going to be returning them back to Microsoft. Who themselves just threw in the towel on the Kin project at the end of last month. We are told that all existing Kin’s will work as Microsoft is keeping the back-end services running. But as so few Kin’s were sold, I wonder how long this will continue to happen. This phone was meant to be released here in the UK later this year, but because of this monumental fail by Microsoft, it is safe to say that we will never see it coming across the pond.
It seems a long time ago that we had the official announcement of Windows Phone 7. In fact it was only in February but for a lot of us thinking about the new platform it has been in the back of our minds as it is not due for release until the end of the year.
Microsoft have now released WP7 devices to developers so we can now get a proper look at the new platform and give it a real run for its money. As I am not clever enough to be a developer we are not one of these lucky few but the guys over at engadget have done a great piece including some rather impressive video.
Although I am eager to have a go of WP7 I must be honest and say that I am not really excited about it and I think that partly comes down to the user interface. It may be one of those things that grows on me and you never know, I could fall in love with it. Also, with the lack of certain features at launch, such as copy/paste and the lack of true multi tasking I cant wait to see if this will be a deciding factor on whether to purchase a WP7 device or not.
Anyway, head on over to engadget and have a look at the work they have done. You may want to make a coffee first. It is a big article!
Posted by: James
We recently showed you some videos posted by salomondrin.net in which he had his hands on the BlackBerry 9800 slider.
The good news is he still has the device and has released a new bunch of videos. In this first one he demonstrates the new web kit browser and shows how much faster it is compared with the one we are currently using.
It looks real nice and I have a suspicion that once this is available my iPhone4 may be getting used a little less certain things.
Have a look below and we will bring you more later today.
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