Unfortunately due to other commitments we had to miss the Palm Treo Pro launch event in London today but luckily the guys over at wmpoweruser managed to get the info even though there wasn’t much that we did not already know. The highlights are after the break.
I’m just heading back from the Plam Treo Pro launch event which was held today in London. I’ll have some photos and video online just as soon as I can download and process them so do watch this space!
Initial impressions of the Treo Pro is that it’s a nice looking device that seem to have everything built in! We should have a review unit in a few days too so that’s another thing to keep your eyes open for!
Here are a couple of images of the Treo Pro for you to look at. The video is taking a while to process but that too will be here soon!
A Selection of Treo’s!
Palm Treo Pro side view
Palm Treo Pro bottom view (showing the micro USB and 3.5mm headphone socket)
I’ll have better pictures for you over the next few days. The lighting at the venue wasn’t great!
The presentation video will appear below as soon as it has finished processing. I’m sorry about the quility but I took a different camcorder with me to this event and it was quite dark in the room. If anyone wants to give me a decent HD camcorder then please email me! 🙂
Make yourself comfortable – the video is almost 30 mins long.
Google yesterday released a comic book guide to their new powerful browser Google Chrome on their official Google Blog. Today they released the actual browser for all to use
I’m not going to depress everyone with thousands of text about this browser but simply say "go have a look", I think you will be simply impressed with what Google have to offer.
Google Chrome Logo
"On the surface, we designed a browser window that is streamlined and simple. To most people, it isn’t the browser that matters. It’s only a tool to run the important stuff — the pages, sites and applications that make up the web. Like the classic Google homepage, Google Chrome is clean and fast. It gets out of your way and gets you where you want to go."
"Under the hood, we were able to build the foundation of a browser that runs today’s complex web applications much better. By keeping each tab in an isolated "sandbox", we were able to prevent one tab from crashing another and provide improved protection from rogue sites. We improved speed and responsiveness across the board. We also built a more powerful JavaScript engine, V8, to power the next generation of web applications that aren’t even possible in today’s browsers."
A full review of this as a stand alone browser will be posted tomorrow at some point.
Nokia’s "free," all-you-can-eat, music subscription service is set to world premier in the UK next month before hitting continental Europe and Asia in 2009. Nokia already has Universal Music, Sony BMG and Warner Music on board and plans to have EMI signed before launch. In total, Nokia expects to offer some 2.1 million tracks at launch. While touted as free, the service costs will be baked into the price of Nokia’s pre-pay 5310 XpressMusic Comes With Music Edition handset (currently priced between £70-£80 for the pay-as-you-go, non-CwM handset) when purchased though the UK’s Carphone Warehouse. You must then purchase another CwM-compatible device at the end of the year in order to continue downloading tracks. For those not wishing to re-up with Nokia, your 5310 CwM edition phone will continue to make / receive calls and text messages and, like your computer, continue to playback all those DRM-wrapped WMA tracks they will not play anywhere else. While the approach is interesting, the DRM-enabled time-bomb and device lock-in makes the entire model sound fatally flawed to us.
Nokia Comes With Music
Expect the service to launch at, or shortly after, a Nokia Comes With Music press event scheduled for October 2nd.
Our latest Mobile Tech Addicts podcast is now available to download, in episode 2 we discuss the iPhone 3G pay and go announcement by O2, the App store coming for Windows Mobile and many other topics. You can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or a download the mp3 file here. Full show notes after the break.
New Lower Price on the ASUS Eee PC 701 Surf – only £158.99 inc VAT
eXpansys have reduced the price of the ASUS Eee 701 to an amazing £158.99 inc VAT. Ideal for students going back to college or university this is one of the smallest and lightest ultra-portables ever made. Not that this mini laptop is just for students, it’s hardwearing and a real work horse making it ideal for business. Available in two colours, you can choose between the stylish white and the sophisticated black.
They aren’t going to last for long at this price so snap one up before it’s too late.
Looking at a recent job post found on Computerjob.com it is suggested that Microsoft will be following hot on the heals of the recently launched $30 million Apple iPhone app store and the future release of Google’s Android App Store, with their own app store named "Skymarket". The job post indicates that the Skymarket senior product manager will head a team that will "drive the launch of a v1 marketplace service for Windows Mobile".
This announcement could only be considered as fantastic news for the end customer as each of the major device manufacturers now go out on a limb to better each other, desperate to provide the best content and hardware to rival the massive iPhone market.
With the Apple store already launched and the HTC Dream coming soon (which should signal the Android App Store launch), the question on everyone’s lips though should be, "is this too little to late?" as the expected launch of this new app store is sometime in 2009 with the launch of WM7.
It should be an interesting few months ahead as the battle heats up and the consumers are really given a chance to see what their hard earned cash is going towards.
Mickey and Joey get together to record the latest episode of the cell phone junkie podcast. In this episode they discuss photos of the new Android phone, a new date for the Blackberry Bold and Windows Mobile 6.1 hits multiple devices. Show notes after the break
Sony Ericsson ditched on Monday rumors that its first phone powered by Microsoft’s operating system would miss the key Christmas sales period. Sony Ericsson introduced the Xperia 1 model in February, saying it would start to sell the phone in the second half of 2008 in selected markets. On Monday, and over the weekend, several technology blogs reported of delays in product roll out, quoting rumors and unnamed sources at Sony Ericsson. "There is absolutely no delay. The product is on track," Sony Ericsson spokeswoman Merran Wrigley said. "We have said it will roll out in Q4 and we are on target to do that."
The O2 incarnation of the HTC Diamond known as the XDA Ignito is now available to order via O2’s online store. The phone is available from free to £199.00 depending on what value contract you sign up for. They describe it as an upgrade to all its predecessors. This Smart phone gives you full internet browsing with Google maps and you tube, windows mobile with Pocket Office, 4GB of internal memory, a 3.2 Megapixel camera with a 2.8 inch high resolution screen with tilt sensors and can even accommodate motion based games.You can order or take a look at it at the O2 site right here.
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