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Archive for July 13th, 2011
It was only this morning that we posted about BlackBerry App World downloads reaching the 1 billion mark. Following on from that we now have some further news and figures from RIM which includes the announcement of seven new BlackBerry Smartphones to launch in the coming months. Now the big question here will be are these seven new phones actually seven separate models? We must not forget that most new BlackBerry Smartphones come in two flavors, GSM and CDMA. For example we already know RIM will be launching the Bold 9900 (GSM) and the 9930 (CDMA). So are RIM calling this two new phones when essentially it is really one? We will have to wait and see I suppose.
Anyway, it is jolly exciting stuff and if you want to see further facts and figures such as BBM stats and BlackBerry subscriber figures you can do so below.
As discussed several times in the past, Apple’s little set top box, the Apple TV, is kinda like a iPhone in a box and even runs a version of iOS. The beta version of iOS 5 brings display mirroring over Air Play to the mix, very handy for presentations or if you want to use your iPad 2’s web browser on a large TV screen.
Just like the iPhone, the Apple TV already sports Bluetooth hardware but this currently lies dormant under the existing version of the iOS. According to the chaps over at 9to5mac iOS 5 is going to enable the Bluetooth hardware that lies within and you’ll be able to turn this on or off via settings. We’re not 100% sure what Apple have in mind for Bluetooth on the Apple TV, perhaps to make it easier to connect your iPhone or iPad to it or maybe for keyboard and mouse support?
Personally I’m really hoping for the keyboard and mouse support and for Apple to include Safari in later versions of the Apple TV, I’d love to be able to use the web on my lounge TV!
Off to dig through the latest beta now…
Posted by: Matt
BlackBerry App World may not have many of the same style of apps you are likely to find in Apples App Store or in the Android market but that is not to say it isn’t a huge success. Over on the official BlackBerry Blog RIM have made the following statement:
“BlackBerry App World is now in over 100 countries, seeing an average of 3 million downloads per day, and we recently crossed the 1 billion app download milestone!”
As we have mentioned recently the BlackBerry Smartphone is in decline in North America, being out sold by both iOS and Android but in many parts of the world the BlackBerry is still steaming full ahead and this new statement from RIM emphasizes that.
Coincidently, this week also sees an update to BlackBerry App World, to version v2.1.4.9. I cant see what changes have been made so if you are waiting on version 3.0 that is being worked on you will have to carry on being patient.
Anyway, well done RIM on 1 Billion downloads.
Posted by: James
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