Archive for July 3rd, 2011

By July 3, 2011 Read More →

HTC EVO 3D priced?

EVO_3D_FrontR A little over a week ago HTC officially announced that the HTC EVO 3D was coming to the UK in quarter 3 of this year. HTC were not specific about the exact release date nor could they give any indication of the price but we did expect that it would exceed the price of the HTC Sensation by a small amount.

Today I was perusing the pages of Amazon looking at how their prices on smartphones stack up against the specialists that we know. Turns out that Amazon are not too badly priced, but still a bit more expensive than the specialist stockists. As expected really.

However, while looking at the like of the HTC Sensation on there I discovered that the HTC EVO 3D is already listed in and is being offered for pre-order. The price is an eye-watering £569.99 which is £120 more than the HTC Sensation. Seems quite a high price to pay for the 3D screen when you consider the other spec is much the same as the Sensation.

On top of the £569.99 price tag also says that the estimated release date is September 12th 2011. Now this I suspect is just an estimate but if HTC leave it till September for the EVO to go on sale I think that will be giving the likes of the LG Optimus 3D too much ground and the price difference between the Sensation and the EVO 3D is just too high.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens over the coming weeks and see what the final price becomes. Watch this space!


Posted by: Matt

Posted in: News
By July 3, 2011 Read More →

3 million Samsung Galaxy S2’s sold in 55 days!

galaxy_s2-sales As the title of the post says, Samsung have just issued a press release stating that their flagship Android Superphone has already seen it’s 3 millionth sale. What’s even more staggering is that it achieved that lofty milestone in just 55 days, that’s day quicker than its Galaxy S predecessor.

An impressive achievement that is for sure but it’s perhaps not that surprising being the first there with the Dual-core CPU it’s performance is certainly very impressive as we detailed in our Samsung Galaxy S2 review back in May of this year, it remains one of our top picks.

Excerpts from Samsung’s official press release follow:


Posted in: Press Releases
By July 3, 2011 Read More →

Neato XV-11 robotic vacuum unboxing video

neato-robotics-xv11 Ok, I know what many of you are thinking having looked at the title of the post but no I haven’t gone mad. As you know I love all things gadget but even I have to admit that when I got the email asking if I’d like to review a new vacuum cleaner I was a little hesitant but figured what the hell lets give it a whirl.

Now these robotic autonomous aren’t a new idea, they have been around for a while but this Neato XV-11 is one of the latest to appear. The XV-11 was previously only available in the USA but is about to go on sale here in the UK. I believe that it’s going to be the XV-15 in the UK though.

So what’s special about the XV-11 then? Well first of all it’s a very cool gadget. It has its own power dock that it returns to after cleaning your room/house and puts itself back in charge. Unlike other robotic cleaners the Neato has an array of laser sensors that it uses to create a map of walls, furniture and other obstacles once it knows the layout of the room it works out the most effective way to vac the whole of that area before moving on to another room.

I’ve tried the Neato XV-11 out a few times already and have to say I am impressed. I honestly thought it would get stuck in places or need help but it’s very effective in methodically cleaning the whole of the downstairs of our house, a process that takes it around an hour. As cleaning can be scheduled we’ve got it set up to make one pass every day. As a cleaner it’s very effective and does a great job and while it isn’t a complete replacement for a human driven vacuum cleaner it does help to keep human vac-ing to a minimum. However, if you want to hire a traditional cleaner in Blackpool, contact Diamond Home Support to assist you.

Posted in: Videos/Unboxings