Acer TravelMate 3012 Review (Part 1)
I’ve had my TravelMate 3012 for a full week now and I have used it a LOT. I commute to and from London every day so it gets a fair amount of use on the train as well as being used while I’m in the office and at home.
I’ve decided to break my review down into manageable chunks and post each part over a period of time.
What you get in the box
Firstly, what do you get in the box with a 3012WTMi? My basic model shipped with the following:
Everything was well packed within the box, quite exciting to unpack it all! Other reviews mention a bluetooth VoIP headset with this model but I didn’t get one in the box.
The first time you boot the 3012 it runs through a series of setup and install screens. A series of Acer applications and utilities are loaded. The initial setup takes quite a long time and you have to reboot several times along the way. One thing that surprised me was that after all the setup the screen wasn’t set to the native res of the TFT instead being left at 1024 x 768 rather than 1280 x 800. Easy to change I know but would have thought that this should be part of the initial install.
The setup installs a number of applications but I shall cover them and what they do in part 2 which will soon follow.
Go to Part 2 of the review
[Technorati tag(s): Acer, laptop, TavelMate, Computing, technology, Dell]
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