Upcoming shuttle flights
[color=#6200AA]According to the post-flight press conferences for STS-121 they have the following shuttle flights planned:[/color]
[color=#6200AA]Atlantis – STS-115 due for launch on 28th August at the earliest[/color]
[color=#6200AA]Discovery – provisional launch date of 14th December.[/color]
[color=#6200AA]Atlantis is due for Rollover to the vehicle assembly building on Tuesday 25 July (maybe monday 24th) followed by rollout to the launch pad a week later.[/color]
[color=#6200AA]The next shuttle flights are concentrating on construction of the International Space Station. ISS is due to be completed by September 2010.[/color]
[color=#6200aa]NASA are also looking into the possibility of doing a service on the Hubble telescope during one mission as well. The decision regarding whether this will be possible will be taken this Autumn.[/color]
[Technorati tag(s): shuttle, nasa, Space Shuttle, Space Shuttle Discovery, Discovery, Space, Science, STS-121]
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