LG Touchscreen Watch Phone on Orange
The new LG Touchscreen Watch Phone may well not be a world first but most definitely a UK first as the press release below will tell you.
Watch Phone heralds new era of ‘future phones’ from Orange
Orange to launch Watch Phone exclusively in the UK this summer – one of several latest must-have multimedia devices from Orange to be announced over the forthcoming months
Orange today announced that the world’s first Touchscreen Watch Phone will hit UK stores in August. The LG Touchscreen Watch Phone will be one of several new innovative ‘future phones’ Orange will be ranging over the next 18 months, chosen specifically for their unique digital lifestyle benefits that allow users to make the most from the latest shifts in modern technology.
Available from Orange for a limited time period, the Watch Phone will be available at an exclusive price point on Orange pay as you go. The device features a compact and stylish design with a Bluetooth headset, in-built speaker and a full touch-screen interface, as well as 3G+ and video-calling capabilities.
The device heralds a new focus from Orange, to showcase the latest innovative, original, and high-end multimedia devices on the market, with at least three new market-leading devices to be unveiled by the end of the year.
lexander, CEO Orange UK said: “The Watch Phone is the must-have gadget of 2009. It’s handcrafted, exclusively limited, and will turn heads on the high street.
"Our ambition is to become the best loved communications brand in the UK, and the destination brand of choice for high-end mobile users in the market. To help us achieve this, we have secured some of the most original and innovative devices available.
"The Watch Phone is the first of these devices, all focused on bringing a 21st-century experience to our 21st century customers.
“Over time we also intend to match the power of these devices with bespoke multimedia packages, driving even more inspirational conversations and deeper connections for our customers.”
Mobile Multimedia
Orange has already begun integrating multimedia services into its animal packages, with the company now offering inclusive ‘sat nav’, mobile internet and email services on select pay-monthly price plans.
Furthermore, recent developments in device advancements, matched with the creation of price plans designed for multimedia usage have helped make it easier for consumers to access the content they want when on the move. On average 3.25 million monthly users now use Orange World (Orange’s mobile internet portal) and over one million Orange customers use their handset to access social networks every month.
I personally do not know what to make of this, I guess I would be intrigued to have a look and test it to make my mind up for sure. I’ll get onto Orange and see if they would be willing to send us one to review.
Posted by: John
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