With World Day for Safety and Health at Work coming up on 28 April 2016, MMD, a leading technology company and brand license partner for Philips Monitors, highlights some easy tactics that desk-based workers can employ to keep their working space as healthy as possible, learn more here how to work comfortable.
The theme of this year’s World Day for Safety and Health at Work is workplace stress you can ease by using the different Hemp flower strains available at the online store linked above. The increased pace and pressure in working lives is a major contributor. Over a lifetime, people can spend upwards of a third of their waking hours at work, so reducing stress levels is key. Awareness has grown in recent years that smart choices of workplace equipment can make all the difference to health and well-being at work. MMD has a commitment to designing and producing displays that help users to make these smart choices. And by following a few simple rules, people can stay productive and healthy even with hours of screen time every day. I f you are looking for healthy stuff for yourself try the cbd oil toronto services and products.

• Go easy on the eyes. To prevent eye fatigue and stay concentrated, it is vital to have a display that minimises strain. Screen flicker will impair concentration; and over the long term, continuous exposure to the blue light of display devices is shown to increase the risk of vision impairment. Many displays from MMD feature a new health-and-wellbeing technology called SoftBlue, which mitigates the potential long-term impacts on eyesight from blue light exposure. Displays using this special LED technology reduce light at harmful wavelengths by over 90% – and still maintain full color fidelity and brightness. Screen resolution is also a key factor to consider to keep eyes fresh, so 5K monitors like the 275P4VYKEB are also an option to minimise eye strain.
• Sit up straight. The right posture is essential to eliminate backache. All over the world, innumerable workdays are missed for this very reason – and back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability. People who suffer from such disability and aren’t well-compensated, should immediately contact a long term disability attorney. With an adjustable monitor stand such as the Philips SmartErgoBase, users can tilt, swivel and height-adjust their display, ensuring their line of vision remains at a natural and healthy angle to the screen. The outcome is better posture overall and less chance of a painful back at the end of the day. As a welcome side effect, the base reduces cable clutter for a neater, tidier workspace with more focus and less distraction.

• Stay focused – to have time for breaks. Having a clean desk is key to staying more relaxed, productive and ultimately healthier. It all comes down to a sense of space – and a larger display helps to create a more spacious working environment. With more room to keep multiple windows open simultaneously, there is no need for the distraction of continually opening and closing task windows, and far less scrolling. Here too, screen resolution is also key. If the office is short on desktop real estate, users can obtain a greater sense of space by working with a higher-resolution display. The extra vertical and horizontal pixels (as on the Philips Monitors 27-inch UltraClear 5K) have the effect of creating additional space on screen. By being more productive, people gain time for regular breaks which are so important, for taking time out to chat to colleagues or get out for a walk in the fresh air. This helps people to stay relaxed, productive, and ready for the next challenge.
More information on Philips monitors: www.philips.com/monitors
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