Top 5 Apps To Locate Your Phone in Case You Lose It
If you are like me (and thousands of others in the world) then you simply cannot live without your cell phone. These little devices are something that many of us have become totally dependent upon. For instance, what is the first thing I do in the morning? Before I even get out of bed I reach over and look at my cell phone. I check my mail messages and the weather before I have been awake for two minutes. I depend on my phone for work, social connections, calculations, alarms and calendar events. I would feel naked without it. The problem is that these phones are so compact that sometimes we cannot find where we laid them down! Sometimes we get distracted after a phone call or email and forget to put our phone back in its case. Sometimes we simply cannot remember when it was last seen. For me, losing my cell phone switches me over to panic mode. I can only imagine how horrible it is for those of you who set their phones on vibrate! At least when the volume is up you can call it from anther phone and track it down. However, this will only work if you lost in the vicinity in which you are dialling for the sound. What happens if you have been ten places in a day and have no idea where the phone may have been dropped or left? Cell phone app developers recognize this issue and have come to our rescue with phone apps that are meant to help us find lost or stolen cell phones – and we love them for it! I highly recommend that once you get a new phone, you install one of the following five apps before you do anything else! It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to such an important part of your life!
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