By May 16, 2016

Two-way SLI support for the GTX 1080 and more?

15124035975lSince the news of the unparalleled performance of the GTX 1080 broke last week, there has been little concrete information regarding the SLI support of Nvidia’s GTX 1080, leading many to assume that Nvidia is not talking about it therefore nothing to report. Two-way SLI with Nvidia’s new GPU would simply be impossible. 

We have now confirmed with several sources that this is not the case, with one source stating that the GTX 1080 will not only work with Nvidia’s new HB (High Bandwidth) SLI bridges but also with existing SLI bridges. This means that traditional 3-way or 4-way SLI bridges can be fitted and work with this new GPU.

At this time, Nvidia has not released any information regarding any 3-way or 4-way versions of their HB SLI bridge, which leaves many to speculate that only traditional 3-way or 4-way SLI bridges can be used for higher end SLI configurations. Right now Nvidia claims that their new HB SLI bridge will offer better SLI performance and scaling than traditional SLI bridges as the new HB bridge will offer double the bandwidth. Meaing older Nvidia SLI bridges will limit Nvidia’s SLI performance, however we are not sure as to how much.

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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