By November 1, 2009

Bionic Ear for iPhone released – now you can hear everything!

Every day we are traversing the latest (released merely few hours ago) iPhone apps like a rat that is sifting through trash bin. Naturally we find a lot of junk apps, and only few of them offer “more quality, more depth” as certain befriended Dutch iPhone developer says about his apps.

Today we have found Bionic Ear:

Description from the developer:

Do you have trouble hearing your surroundings? Do you want to listen to various animals in the great outdoors? Introducing the Bionic Ear. This unique application allows you to hear the even the faintest environmental sounds. Use the Bionic Ear to explore your world. Experience all the sounds in your environment that you would have otherwise missed. Want to hear the sound of a baby bird chirping? Using the Bionic Ear, itâ??s a truly zen-like experience.

To use the Bionic Ear:
— For best results, use headphones without a built in microphone
— Plug in your headphones
— Set your iPhone volume to a moderate level
— iPod touch users: attach a microphone
— Launch the application
— If you experience any echo, reduce your device volume

On your next camping trip be sure to bring your Bionic Ear. You’ll hear everything you missed with your human ear.

Commentary: this app is a nice idea and we are amazed to see that they actually recommend to use headphones without a microphone.

Get it here (price: $0.99):

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Apart from iPhone, you might be interested also in Windows Mobile phones!

Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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