By February 21, 2011

Windows 8 Tablets due in Q4 this year

windows-7-tabletSome say that Windows 8 tablets using ARM processors could be out before the years end. Business Insider’s sources claim that Microsoft has thousands of engineers which have been working on the ARM version of Windows 8. It has already been leaked that Windows 8 will be more tablet-centric and touch friendly.

Windows 7 tablets have been critised for two main problems. Firstly, an unrefined touch interface. The few tablets on the market now seem to not only be less responsive than Android or Ipad alternatives but also fairly fiddly. Windows also seems to suck up battery life at an alarming rate. These are the precise two things that Windows 8 will combat. The ability for Windows 8 to run on ARM processors should allow the platform to match Android and Apple tablets with their 10 hours or more battery lives.

Some companies have managed to make Windows 7 quite a pleasent experience, for example Viewsonic’s Vpad 10 which I had the pleasure of playing with at MWC. This tablet had Windows as the front runner and ran Android 2.2 on top, with Meego as a option they plan to shoehorn in.

It will be great to see Windows shaking up the mix. Windows 7 proved to be a strong operating system and if Windows 8 is an improvement, with the support behind it, Microsoft has the potential to be a market leader.

Posted by Gareth

Posted in: News

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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