WebOS web market share growing rapidly, leaves Windows Mobile in the dust
Prethinking has an excellent article utilising several graphics to illustrate the uptake of WebOS and how certain other OS’ are failing. Deep down we all know these results are true but it’s quite hard to believe it’s happening. Of course it probably doesn’t help that the like of the HTC HD2 are not hitting Stateside and the current phones in the Windows Mobile line are a little out of date when compared to Android and WebOS.
Admob Mobile has put out their monthly mobile metrics report and things are looking pretty good for Palm and WebOS. Last month we pointed out Admob’s statistics and how WebOS already had 4% of the web market share only two months after the Pre’s debut. WebOS came out in June 2009 and already showed a significant gain in web market share. Android, which debuted in October 2008 and has multiple handsets in the U.S. (G1 and MyTouch) had 8% web market share and Windows Mobile had 6%. Well the numbers are still increasing in Palm’s favor. Let’s take a dive into some of September’s web usage statistics and check out the dent WebOS is leaving in the market after the break.
In September 2009 Palm’s WebOS market share in the U.S. jumped from 4% to 10% making it double that of Windows Mobile which is at 5% down from 6%. We reference the market share as WebOS’s but all the credit should go to the Palm Pre. This will change on November 15th when the Palm Pixi launches but as of now the Pre is doing all of the hard work. The iPhone still has a commanding lead at 48% but with Android and WebOS totaling a combined 27% that 48% doesn’t look as big as we might have once thought. The statistics continue to impress in multiple areas.
On Sprint’s network alone WebOS accounts for 40% of all data usage. This is the same Sprint that carries the Blackberry Tour and 8330, the Touch Pro, and both iterations of the Instinct. We are anxious to see usage statistics next month when the Hero is also bunched into that group of smartphones on Sprint. The Hero of course is a significant player because until the Droid was announced it was arguably the most feature rich and prettiest iteration of Android available. The Pre sales numbers most likely won’t take a huge hit as a result of the Hero just because the Hero targets a slightly different market. Of course the smartphone market as a whole has plenty of room to grow. Sales for just about any decent smartphone contender should increase as high end phones become cheaper and easier for casual phone users to get a hold of. One last impressive statistic is Palm’s global web market share. Palm’s web market share has increased 1% over the previous month. This may not sound like much but it’s a notable increase because WebOS only had one device and was only in North America during the month of September. This makes next months numbers even more exciting to see because Palm has launched it’s phone in four other countries since then and according to reports from some of the O2 stores in UK and Germany the launch was pretty successful so far. Palm hasn’t given any specific unit sales in any of its markets at this point but we feel pretty confident Palm is in fact as happy with sales so far like they said they were during their earnings call. WebOS is already leaving a significant dent in the web market on a carrier that has only 49,000,000 and declining subscribers compared to Verizon’s 89,000,000 and AT&T’s 82,000,000. Imagine the web market share in January or February next year if a WebOS device gets picked up on AT&T and/or Verizon. Not to mention whatever additional countries Palm decides to launch its flagship phone on. (We have our fingers crossed for you WebOS fans in Asia!)
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