TealOS – Palm Pre on your Palm OS phone
While everyone is waiting and watching (and drooling) for the chance to get hold of a new Palm Pre, Tealpoint Software is staying old school. Palm users are familiar with great apps from Tealpoint: TealLock, TealScript, TealBackup, and others. A name Palm enthusiasts have come to know and trust, Teal is stepping out of the crowd to show that the old Palm os (Garnet) is not quite dead yet. For a limited time, you can purchase TealOS for $14.95 (expected to soon go to $19.95), and give your Palm Treo or Centro a facelift and feel closer to the new face of Palm and WebOS.
If you have watched any of the videos demo’ing the Pre, you’re familiar with what it looks like, and the basic operation. Either it didn’t take the developers at Tealpoint long to copy the look/feel, or they had some inside knowledge as to what to expect. Take a look at the video after the break its pretty darn good.
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