By October 6, 2008

Switch from Palm to Windows Mobile the easy way

image If you are thinking of switching or have just switched devices from a Palm to a Windows Mobile phone you must read Alli’s article over at Mobility Today. Alli has been a Palm user for many years, but this year has made the transition over to Windows Mobile. During the process Alli has tested loads of Windows Mobile software with the aim of recreating her favourite Palm experiences with the Treo 800W. This article is a must read if your considering the switch.

The reason most of us ever started using a Palm was to manage our personal information. Contacts, calendar, and tasks became so much easier to track and control on an electronic device than a day planner. We have taken for granted that our PIM (Personal Information Management) data would be available whenever we needed, either on our desktops or our handhelds. We controlled what we transferred from the handheld to the desktop or vice versa, and we controlled when we made the transfer.

Moving to Windows Mobile brings a new kind of PIM synchronization: Active Sync. Active Sync removes the flexibility and control that Palm gives you, and it is (perhaps) the largest hurdle to overcome when making the switch. With Palm you could keep your device plugged into your pc 10 hours/day every day, but only sync once a month if that was your choice. If you wanted, you could sync only your calendar. The flexibility of Palm is unparalleled. Windows Mobile takes away all the flexibility and all the control over your synchronization. If you plug your device into your pc – you sync. You sync everything, or you sync nothing. Your choices are limited: don’t sync at all (do nothing), replace the items on my device (desktop overwrites handheld), combine the items on the device with the items on the computer (sync). There is no option to replace the items on the computer with what’s on the device.

That being said, getting your PIM data from Palm to WM is the easy part. If you have a Palm device with the Palm desktop released after late 2003, you will have an option on your pc (Start/Palm) to change the conduit sync from Palm to Outlook. If you have an older device/desktop you only need to reinstall the desktop, and when prompted choose "sync with Outlook" rather than "sync with Palm desktop." The next touch of the sync button will have your PIM data syncing with Outlook.

Visit Mobility Today for the full article

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Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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