StyleTap’s Palm OS emulator officially coming to iPhone and iPod touch
StyleTap Inc. today announced plans to bring to market a version of StyleTap® CrossPlatform for the iPhone™ and the iPod® touch, which will instantly allow over 20,000 mobile applications to run on these popular devices. Further information about the product, including how it will be marketed and sold, will be made available in early July 2008.
In addition, the company announced that StyleTap personnel will be at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, CA from June 9-13, 2008, and will be available to meet with mobile application developers interested in learning more about StyleTap CrossPlatform for the Apple devices. Interested parties should contact StyleTap via email at sales at, or through the contact form on the StyleTap website.
In February 2008, in order to determine the level of interest, StyleTap posted a video to Viddler and YouTube (see for links to the videos) showing an experimental prototype of StyleTap CrossPlatform running existing mobile applications on an iPod touch. The response was instant and overwhelming – the videos have been viewed more than 800,000 times and the company received many emails from both end-users and application developers expressing great interest in having such a product available.
“The iPhone is one of the hottest new mobile devices out there,” said Gregory Sokoloff, CEO of StyleTap Inc., “And the response to our video has convinced us that many, many consumers, and companies, will eagerly jump at the change to buy iPhone devices if they can continue to run their must-have applications.”
Technically, StyleTap CrossPlatform is an excellent fit with the iPhone, as the powerful processor and large screen allows applications written for Palm OS® devices to run at full speed and at full screen resolution. The iPhone touch screen technology works in a very natural way with mobile applications originally designed for touch screen devices.
Many popular mobile applications have been written by passionate people who used their domain expertise to create extraordinarily useful applications. However, few of these same people can justify the time, cost and risk incurred in porting these applications to other mobile operating systems, especially since the number of operating systems continues to multiply as the market gets more and more fragmented. StyleTap CrossPlatform solves this problem.
StyleTap CrossPlatform offers developers the best of both worlds: with no changes and therefore no work required on their part, developers can now sell their applications to millions more users who use other devices running StyleTap CrossPlatform. However, if they do wish to use unique features of new devices, StyleTap CrossPlatform provides simple extensions that give them access to those capabilities without having to completely re-write or convert their applications.
via Styletap Blog
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