Skyfire 0.8 Public Beta demo
WMExperts have got their hands on the latest beta of the Skyfire Windows Mobile browser, if you don’t know the Skyfire browser was the first mobile browser to support full web PC browsing, including rich media content, supporting Ajax, Flash, Quicktime, Windows Media, and others. Previously, people who wanted to enjoy the exact PC web experience on their handsets had to sign up on a waiting list for Skyfire. With today’s announcement, the latest version of the Windows Mobile Skyfire browser is available to anyone. The 0.8 iteration of Skyfire for Windows Mobile includes marked improvements. Video look after the break.
We have heard that again this is only available for US residents and have been unable to confirm this as Skyfires site is down for routine maintenance at the moment, keep an eye on it for more details at
via WMExperts
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