Sky News app released for BlackBerry
I have been waiting for this one for so long. Great news as the Sky News app appeared recently in BlackBerry App World and much like on other platforms you not only have the ability to read news articles but also watch video too.
The app is free to download and one of the features I love is that you can set the application to auto refresh and the news feeds will be integrated into your message inbox. BBM integration is also supported!
You can see more details below along with a selection of pictures of the main features.
If you own a BlackBerry downloading this app is a must.
As you would expect, the home screen contains the main news articles. At the top are various tabs for jumping to particular sections of the news.
The three tabs at the base are self explanatory apart from the ‘Your Report’ one. Essentially what this will do is allow you to send text direct to Sky News if you come across something news worthy. Clever.
Like on the Android and iOS versions you have an onscreen icon at the bottom left of the screen to toggle between a light and dark theme.
Sharing the news feeds is a piece of cake. As you can see below as well as BBM you have options for FaceBook, Twitter, email etc.
The middle of the three tabs at the base of the homescreen is the video section. Here you are presented with a selection of videos ranging from the headlines to the weather.
Jumping into the settings will allow you to change the refresh time, cache size and let you choose whether to integrate the feeds into your message inbox.
All in all a fantastic application. Thanks Sky.
Posted by: James
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