By February 3, 2010

Short smartphone survey

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Jon from is looking for folks interested in Smartphones to partake in a short survey in regards to their smartphone views and desires. The results of which will be feature in a report Jon is writing as a research project for his business degree. If you have a few moments, why not fire through the survey, I did and it’s harmless. Here is what Jon has to say:

You may not be aware that whilst working for Clove part-time, I am currently completing my 4th year studying Business at Bournemouth University. As part of my final year work I have to complete a research project, also known as a dissertation. I have chosen to focus on the following topic:

"Does innovation provide competitive advantage to manufacturers of smartphones, with particular focus on HTC."

The project requires me to obtain primary data to use to assist in the investigation of the relationship between innovation and competitive advantage in the smartphone industry through a survey and also interviews.
Could I kindly ask that you post a link to my survey on your blog/forum to assist me in obtaining the quality feedback that I need.

Please, do not feel obliged to say yes, you can say no!

If this request is possible (I think your readers may find it interesting), then if you could provide them with the following link:

I do hope, in April or soon after, to be able to provide a full copy of the project to you and your readers. It will be a big project, but some may find it of interest, and it is certainly a different news post.
A point to note is, that whilst I use your contact details (with approval) through my employment at Clove, this study is not financed by nor will be used by Clove or HTC in any way.

Thanks for your time, I look forward to your response!

Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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