Review Vito Audio Notes for Windows Mobile
In our previous post about the sound quality of the HTC Diamond, we used Vito Audio Notes software to record both sides of a telephone conversation between ourselves and MSMobiles, so moving on from that we thought it would be a good idea to have a quick overview of the software.
Vito Audio Notes is a small piece of software that is available to trial for 14 days or buy outright and with it installed your Windows Mobile phone gains full voice recording functionality.
Once you have it installed it appears under programs and you can specify how you want the software to work, you can choose between mp3 and wav recording formats, obviously wav files take up a lot more storage space than mp3 files as they are not as compressed. You can assign a short cut key to activate voice note recordings and also specify if telephone calls should be automatically recorded.
The software runs in the background and did not cause any issues with performance on the Samsung i780, I just forget that it was running and when I checked back later it had automatically recorded my telephone conversations. The audio quality seems very clear.
To play back the recording you can simply select the file you want to listen too and select play and the play back screen appears. You can also email the files from the software which integrates with the inbuilt email software in Windows Mobile.
The software works very well for what it is supposed to do and recording phone calls for me worked especially well however it must be noted that the software does not work on every Windows Mobile device so before you buy it, download the trial version and test it out with your phone.
Sample Voice Note recorded earlier
Vito Audio Notes can be downloaded here
With this easy to use pocket pc audio recorder you can:
VITO AudioNotes features some special options for recording:
Recorded notes are easily managed:
In VITO AudioNotes recording your voice note is just a matter of seconds. Assign a hardware button to start recording at any time:
Changes in Version 1.31:
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