Review SPB Wireless Monitor
“With the growing popularity of mobile Internet and online services, and without a built-in tool for tracking data usage on Windows Mobile devices – crossing the data plan limits and receiving painful phone bills – is easy. Spb Wireless Monitor is a safeguard and can help stop the pain: it is a tool for measuring data traffic and calculating the network charges, according to set tariffs. First introduced to market over 6 years ago, Spb GPRS Monitor has come a long way: a four-time prize winner in the Smartphone and Pocket PC magazine’s Best Software Awards, shipped in over a dozen devices by ASUS, HTC, O2, Samsung, and T-Mobile, it has over 3,000,000 loyal customers worldwide.”
Now called Spb Wireless Monitor, this app is a data junkie’s dream. You can identify the type of connection you want to track: usb, WiFi, or cellular data. You can then narrow down the exact application responsible for using your data connections, when they used them, and for exactly how long. Spb Wireless Monitor can assist you to single out that one guilty application, responsible for excessive data charges, or bill a client for all that data.
I can see two practical applications for Spb Wireless Monitor, but I’m sure there are many more. First and foremost is the ability to “bill by the byte.” Many people use their Windows Mobile devices, sometimes on the road, sometimes at home, for work. Being able to track that time can be invaluable both for billable time and data overages.
Perusing various cell phone forums, one of the most frequently seen questions is “why is my phone connecting all the time?” Spb Wireless Monitor can answer that question for you in short order. You can view your data usage by chart or by table, and of course, by application. This takes all the guesswork out of figuring out what’s keeping you online.
Setting up Spb Wireless Monitor is simple. It takes you through the setup and allows you to determine the tariffs (billable increments)however you’d like. You can even set up peak and off peak hours. You can then receive reports based on the time period you want, the application you want, or the connection in which you’re interested. Reports can be run based on time or cost. Of course, all these reports can be exported to html or csv for use on your desktop. It makes me wish I had someone to bill!
Spb Wireless Monitor is easy to configure, and totally customizable. You track only the connection(s) you want, only the time period you want, and assign the cost. If you are on a limited data plan, you can even set an alarm to go off when you approximate your data cap. To make it even easier for you, it has a Today plugin so that you can monitor your data usage conveniently.
Spb Wireless Monitor 3.0 will be available from for USD 19.95. If you are Spb Wireless Monitor 2.x owner, you can upgrade to 3.0 for 50% off the retail price. If you purchased the previous version within 90 days from the release date, you are entitled to a free upgrade.
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