Gareth and Matt enjoy a warm and fuzzy recollection of days gone by in this the third instalment of the Retro Tech Addicts podcast.
Featuring Gareth and Matt
This day in the past
HTC Kaiser
The Smartphone?
Matt: Orange SPV
Gareth: Palm Treo 650
The First significant game
Matt: SpyHunter
Gareth: Sorcery + – Screenshots
Ben Hills
The Retro Tech Addicts podcasts have been good so far. All it needs now is for Gareth’s wife to pop in half way through bringing in a retro desert! Arctic roll or black forest gateaux perhaps? 🙂
Worth a mention:
Email us: [email protected] Tel: 0208 123 3757
Gareth Myles – @garethmyles
Matt and Tracy Davis - @tracyandmatt
Music by James Everett
Posted by: Gareth
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