coming to Windows Mobile
If you do any photo editing, you know of Adobe Photoshop. I have owned Photoshop for years and cannot think of what I would do without it! And, now, Adobe is launching Beta for Windows Mobile Devices. Only available for a select bunch of Windows Devices that do not include the AT&T Tilt / HTC TyTN II, however, one can safely assume that it is a matter of time before it makes its way to WinMo Pro Devices. None the less, I thought it worthy to post about to get us all green with envy for our other Windows Mobile Brothers who will be participating in the Beta Program.
Upload from the road
Have Mobile upload photos from your phone to your account as soon as you take them. You can store up to 5GB of photos there free. (Note: Plus members get 20GB. Learn more)
Access anywhere
At a party, in a meeting, on the road — view your online photos and albums from your phone, wherever you are.
Share with friends and family
Create a Mobile Share album right from your phone to show the world, or invite friends and family to view your photos online from
I’ll keep my eyes peeled for more releases on so let this wet your appetite for what is hopefully to come!
For more information, check out Adobe or CLICK HERE
Source: BGR via Tilt Mobility
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