By January 6, 2012

Otone Audio’s new speaker systems bring modern sound experience to a totally new level!

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Otone Audio has developed a revolutionary new range of lifestyle inspired speaker systems that are set to take the current market by storm and we are getting two of them in for review!
Otone Audio is a savvy new company based in the UK that brings together years of experience in the audio industry. The company works alongside a team of top designers on the continent and has collaborated with leading businesses in China to create its exciting new range of speaker systems which are excellent performers on sound, quality and price.
By combining cutting edge technology and sleek designs Otone Audio has developed systems that seriously improve the experience of any audio situation – whether that’s at home, in the office or on the move. The enhanced clarity of Otone Audio’s carefully developed speakers means the systems are able to exceed the high sound quality demands set by the competitive UK market.

Otone Audio’s development team has set this new level of performance by extensively researching the UK music market and refining its systems accordingly.  This means their speaker systems better complement the more bass-centric sounds of dance, hip-hop and rock found in the home market. They also offer a whole new sound experience for gamers taking on the latest challenges, whether that’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3. Ultimately Otone Audio systems are unique – producing a sound that is totally tailored to UK culture. 
Gareth Thomas from Otone Audio explains: "By tightened up the bass drivers, which in turn reduces their response time, the drivers in our systems can move [in and out] faster and respond in sync with the [faster] beat of the music. 
"In speakers where the bass drivers are looser they cannot move as quickly and become out of sync – this is what causes distortion.  We have also boosted the midrange performance to enhance the vocal clarity.
"Otone is growing quickly and we are now ready to really start shouting about our amazing range of speakers. We believe Otone provides better audio clarity and quality than any other directly competing sound system on the market at the moment, achieving this with equal or better sound at a lower price point than our rivals.  Thanks to elegant styling and contemporary design, the speakers look as good as they sound too.
"We want people to see how different our products are; from the sound quality and edgy design to the clever functionality. With the full range of Otone speakers at our disposal, plus new product development on the horizon, 2012 is set to be the year that Otone makes its mark."
For more information about Otone Audio visit

Watch out for our reviews in the coming weeks.


Posted by: James

Posted in: Press Releases

About the Author:

Five year veteran of the site. BlackBerry specialist, but experienced in most operating systems. Enjoys flower arranging and cross stitch.
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