Orange confirm the HTC Touch Dual
We’ve just had confirmation from Orange that they will indeed be carrying the HTC Touch Dual here in the UK.

As we all know, there are two versions of the HTC Touch Dual, one has a 16-key phone-style keypad with number keys and the other has a 20-key QWERTY style keypad (similar to the Blackberry or Sony P1i) where each key has two letters associated with it. My Orange contact informs me that Orange will only be stocking the 16-key number pad style version of the device, possible as they feel that the 20-key version is too complicated.
It’s probably worth pointing out, once again, that neither version of the Touch Dual will come with WiFi, HTC have confirmed that none of the European versions of the Dual will have WiFi capability. We’ve no idea why they would choose to exclude this feature which has now become standard on most devices, I’m sure that this omission will prove to be a problem for many.
It would seem that the folks over at MoDaCo have received a similar tip-off from Orange so we are thinking that the information must be accurate.
Finally, the rumour is that the HTC Touch Dual will be arriving on the Orange network in the middle of November.
Posted by: Matt
[Post tag(s): smartphone blog, Pocket PC blog, Tracy & Matt, Sprint, HTC Touch Dual, HTC Elf, HTC P3450]
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