O2 XDA Graphite Photos
There seems to be quite a bot of news lately around O2’s XDA brand. The next smartphone device to come to O2 will be the XDA Graphite.
The O2 XDA Graphite is an attractive looking ‘candy bar’ style smartphone which, according to the sales blurb, features a “Look and feel that is similar to a regular phone, the O” Graphite offers both familiaritu and ease of use.
Spec. seems pretty nifty too!
O2 XDA Graphite Specification
It’s also worth mentioning that the Graphite is NOT manufactured by HTC but rather ASUSTek and is based on an improved version of their Vodafone V1210.
Have a look at the other images at SmartphoneThoughts.
[Technorati tag(s): smartphone, Pocket PC, XDA, XDA Graphite, O2, Tracy & Matt]
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