By June 17, 2011

O2 not doing the Blackberry Playbook

blackberry_playbookO2 UK have announced that it “will not be selling” the BlackBerry PlayBook. The popular carrier has started notifying customers who had signed up for more information about its change of heart.

The official release from O2 states: “unfortunately there are some issues with the end to end customer experience.” Boy Genius Reports that they believe it is due to the lack of a native email client (RIM says that they will have it in a future release…).

This jibes with the review BGR released stating that it felt like the Playbook was unfinished in it’s design. O2 did say that it could offer the product at a later date, and that it will work with Research In Motion on its BlackBerry PlayBook products in the future.

Posted by Gareth

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Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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