Nimbuzz for Android Launches
Nimbuzz is a multi community mobile social messenger combining Instant Messaging, (geo) presence, and VoIP. The free application lets users connect and interact with their buddies across popular communities, including Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk (Orkut), AIM, and social networks including Facebook and MySpace.
Though there aren’t as many Android devices sold yet as iPhones, we are a mass market product and Android is a logical extension to our lineup of over 1000+ supported devices. We are starting with what we do well, bring out the best of the OS and the hardware to provide a superior user experience, then focus on adding more features.
What we have in stock for Android users is:
· Smart buddy list layout displays avatar and presence information in one, combined with community and resource information (if your buddy is online on the mobile or PC).
· Time sensitive UI detects how long you press on a buddy’s name. A light touch opens their profile and a stronger touch instantly starts a new chat!
· Home screen notifications alert you of activities such as incoming chats while Nimbuzz runs in the background.
· Clickable URLs make for a multi media rich chat experience – share Youtube videos and Wikipedia information. A browser window will open from which you can seamlessly switch back and forth to Nimbuzz.
· Auto reconnect keeps you connected when switching between 2G, 3G and Wifi networks and automatically reconnects you if the service has been interrupted.
· Unique to Android users – only Nimbuzz intergrates Skype IM and local social networks such as Hyves in the Netherlands, StudiVZ from Germany, Gagu Gadu from Poland, and Giovani from Italy.
97% of our users recommend Nimbuzz to their friends, and 60% made more friends since installing Nimbuzz, so we wanted to use this virality of our product and catch the market early.
52% communicate more frequently since installing Nimbuzz, and we are adding nearly 1 million new users per month, with well over 30,000 new registrations per day. This clearly shows a strong mass-market demand for our social messaging product as well as the potential of it becoming a lifestyle data magnet. (data based on 20k user survey from 06/09)
Skype IM, intelligent buddy list, time sensitive UI, home-screen notifications, local social networks, clickable URLs
11th August 2009 – London – Today, Nimbuzz announces the launch of its multi community mobile social messenger application for Android handsets. Unique for Android users, Nimbuzz introduces a revolutionary buddy list layout, Skype IM, a time-sensitive user interface, home-screen notifications, auto-reconnect, clickable URLs, and local social network support to make Nimbuzz the most sophisticated IM application for Android handsets.
Nimbuzz takes full advantage of the benefits of the Android platform technologies. Alongsidehome-screen notifications that alert the user on the home screen of activities such as incoming chats while the application runs in the background, Nimbuzz also added a time-sensitive user interface option that detects how long the user presses on a contact in the buddy list. A fast-click instantly opens the contacts profile; a long-click opens a live chat window.
These updates work alongside the auto-reconnect feature guaranteeing seamless connectivity, by instantly reconnecting whenever a connection is lost. The smart buddy list displays information in an intelligent way, combining avatar and presence information in one, with community icon and resource information, if the person is online on the mobile or PC, in the same line.
Integrating Skype IM is unique to Nimbuzz, which already supports multiple communities including Facebook, Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, ICQ and many more. Clickable URLs that make for a multi media chat experience, and the additional support for local social networks such as StudiVZ, Hyves, Gadu Gadu, and Giovani, add to the extensive feature list making Nimbuzz Android the most comprehensive mobile social messaging application available for Android handsets.
Evert-Jaap Lugt, founder and CEO of Nimbuzz said: “Mobiles are no longer just about hardware but software. Nimbuzz increases the value of the handset and enriches the user experience. Our Android version is a perfect example of what we do best, integrating Nimbuzz’s award winning service to bring the best out of each operating system and handset.”
Nimbuzz welcomes Android users to its community that grows at nearly 1 million new users per month and has recently been recognized as “Best Mobile Startup” by Techcrunch Europe, and Top Global 250 tech company by AlwaysOn Stanford Summit.
The free app is available to download from the Android Marketplace.
About Nimbuzz
Nimbuzz is a multi community mobile social messenger combining Instant Messaging, (geo) presence, and VoIP. The free application lets users connect and interact with their buddies across popular communities, including Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, AIM, and social networks including Facebook and MySpace.
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