Nexus One Enterprise?
There has been so much ‘News’ surrounding the Nexus One over the past week, many of the mainstream media outlets have even give it some coverage.
One story that seems to still be making the headlines is that Google is apparently ‘Awash’ with complaints about the Nexus one and is poor, patchy or in some cases, non-existent 3G coverage. The support forum for the Nexus One has literally hundreds of complaints about the 3G issue, many being passed backwards and forwards between T-mobile and Google’s own support team.
With all the excitement and news comes even more rumour and speculation so we’ve heard something this morning that is interesting, and somewhat more positive than 3G problems.
Rumours have just started to surface that there will soon be another version of the Google handset, ‘Nexus One Enterprise‘. If the rumours are to be believed the new handset will have a sliding hardware QWERTY keyboard.
It does seem like a logical progression and I for one would love to see a QWERTY version of the device. Thoughts?
Lets just hope that these 3G issues can be ironed out soon!
Posted by: Matt
[ Post Tags: Google, Nexus One, Android, ]
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