New server, new home
Over the past months we have seen a rapid increase in our traffic levels, so much so that our poor old server couldn’t take the strain! Therefore, over the past few days we have been migrating the site over to a new dedicated webserver that should be our new home for a while.
If you can see this post then your DNS has updated correctly and you are looking at the new site. There should be a vast speed improvement over our old site.
If you notice anything strange or find anything broken then please email me (matt [at] and let me know.
I wish to thank Iain for the sterling job in moving the site so efficiently. The site move is something I have been dreading for a while but it seems to have gone smoothly and seamlessly so far. If that isn’t tempting fate then I don’t know what is!
[Technorati tag(s): webserver, ISP, Tracy & Matt]
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