By October 28, 2008

Movement on the Windows Mobile 7 front

windows-mobile-7-topMobileTopSoft is forecasting that Windows Mobile 7, the next generation mobile operating system for handhelds and smartphones, will debut this week at the Professional Developers Conference (2008) in Los Angeles, CA. The event’s main focus isn’t Windows Mobile. Other platforms and development projects at Redmond will also be featured at the conference.

One ZDNet journalist is predicting:
"Attendees will get a demo of Windows 7 by Windows engineering chief Steven Sinofsky, as well as pre-beta M3 bits to take home. Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie is on tap to outline Microsoft’s Live Framework, the Live Mesh development platform. Windows Server head Bob Muglia is expected to unveil Microsoft’s cloud development platform and explain how Microsoft plans to try to one-up Amazon and Google in this space — via a combination of its Windows Cloud OS, virtualization and a variety of cloud-optimized services. There are sessions on Microsoft’s Oslo modeling strategy and platform, Silverlight 2 for mobile, parallel/concurrent computing and more."


[From Pocketnow]

Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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