By November 5, 2009

Motorola Droid not coming to T-Mobile or O2 in the UK

pic Motorola Milestone (Android, Black) Sim Free UnlockedAccording to reports this morning by T3 Magazine here in the UK, the Droid won’t be launching on mobile networks O2 or T-Mobile, with Nicola Shenton, Head of Handset and Device Marketing at T-Mobile UK, confirming to them today that they passed up the Droid some months ago.

According to Shenton, they tested it six months ago, though it wasn’t running Android’s latest version of software, Éclair 2.0, at the time. She recalled that it was a “great phone, had a lot to offer” and that the software, even back then, was still used to the Droid’s advantage. Why T-Mobile passed up the Droid is unknown, but with the network already selling the G1and Hero (both manufactured by HTC) and the Huawei-made Pulse, there’s a chance that it just didn’t sit right amongst their portfolio, or for their target customers. T-Mobile’s become known as the destination for Android devices here in the UK, thanks to its early involvement with the Open Handset Alliance and the launch of the G1 last October, where it was the first company worldwide to release an Android mobile.

With T-Mobile and O2 out of the Motorola Droid race, it’s up to Orange, Vodafone or 3 Mobile to bring this innovative Android device to the UK.

On a slightly brighter note, Superetrader have just opened up Pre-Orders for the European version of the Droid, which will be called the Milestone at a price of £439.99 inclusive of Vat, but no idea yet on the availability.

via T3

Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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