Mobiletechaddicts Podcast 60
This week Andy, Gareth and Matt chat about Windows Phone 7 Series, Apple’s patent issue with HTC, the X10 Mini and Android’s ambition on all U.S. Android platforms.
Show Notes
Matt twinterviewing Alex Reeve of Windows Phone 7 Series
Apple Sues HTC for Patent Infringement
Milestone on sale at Carphone
Sony Ericsson X10 March 3 release
Matt an X10 research candidate?
Sony Ericsson X10 mini/pro 299/339 online retailers
All U.S. Android phones to get 2.1 upgrade
HTC Legend get priced on Vodafone
Nexus One coming to Vodafone in April
O2 revamping their tarrifs, but is there value?
Webos 1.4 invites you to shoot, edit and share
LG’s Windows Phone 7 Series … phone
Blackberry BESX Server Available March 1 FREE
Listener Question
Do you have any idea how to get my cell phone archived messages onto
my computer. Cell phone is motorola renegade v950, computer is acer. Ultimately want
to save as audio in iTunes.
Another Listener Q. if you want it:
How do I change where apps are installed from the Windows Phone Marketplace, they only seem to install to the built in memory and not the SD card and I’m running out of space!
Many thanks to The Stetz for the music
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