Mobile Tech Addicts podcast award nomination
Hopefully many of you already tune in to our weekly podcast and may have heard Gareth mention that the Mobile Tech Addicts podcast has been nominated in the “Best use of social media by broadcast media” section of the Northern Ireland Social Media Awards.
We are up against some very stiff competition from the big local media however! UTV, CoolFM, City Beat and Talkback are some of the most popular local broadcasters in NI so the fact that we are alongside them is pretty cool.
So to those of you that tune in and enjoy our podcast (and even if you don’t) I’d like to ask you to please consider voting for us. You can find us under category 6 and all you have to do to place your vote is go to the Northern Ireland Social Media Awards voting site, put in an email address and tick the box next to our name. Simples!
Thanks so much to those of you that already voted and to those of you about to do so. We’ll let you know how we get on! 🙂
Posted by: Gareth
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