By January 7, 2007

MircoCircuit review

MircoCircuit is by Viex Games and is available for both Pocket PC and Palm OS. It is considered a strategy game.


The basic idea of the game to get the different coloured cars safely around the track, by switching the crossroads, and return them to their garage within the time allowed.

MircoCircuit starts of very simply with one coloured car and simple figure-of-eight track with one crossroad. By the time you get up to level 12 there are four different car colours and 11 junctions to manage! You get an average of about 5 cars coming out of each garage on each level.

The game is over when two of the cars crash into each other (cars stop at the junctions if the road is the incorrect way!) or you run out of time on a level.

I enjoyed playing this as it my kind of game, however I think a little more thought could have been put in to the levels at it is really easy to start with and gets difficult very quickly, thus for me making it quite short lived. The thing I did like about it though was you could start at any level you had unlocked so you didn’t have to keep playing the basic levels and could come straight back to the harder levels. This makes it an ideal game to have on your phone as you can just pick it and continue from the level you were stuck on and it also means that you can complete just a level at a time and not have to worry about re-doing previously completed levels.

Overall a good game but does require some thought!

Check out MicroCircuit in our Mobile Game Shop.


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Posted in: Reviews

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More than 20 years in the IT industry. Blogging with a passion and thirst for new technology since 2005.
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