Jackass Face for iPhone released
What are you looking at, you ass face? You uggo, you!
You see what we mean? Instead of abusing somebody verbally why not to put his/her face on a donkey and propagate this artwork all over Internet?
Description from the developer:
Probably there have been times when a friend of yours has made a complete ass of himself, and you want to shoot him a quick text to tell him so. Now you can not only tell him, but show him what an ass he is with a fun little iPhone app called JackassFace.
With JackassFace, now available in the App Store, you can take a photo of your friend and then drag and pinch/zoom to place your friend’s face where it belongs – on the face of a real ass. The app offers all sorts of sharing features so you can not only show your friend how you feel, but for really egregious offenders you can share it with everyone via Facebook, Twitter, email or MMS.
Just a nice subtle way to get the message across.
This app is actually the brainchild of the developer’s 9 year old son who thought there should be a way to put someone’s face on a donkey’s body and his dad said “Why not?”
Conclusion: what is amazing is that the other app from the same developer is a HanDBase Manager (a mobile database). That’s what we call app diversity!
Credit: Kevin Doel from TalonPR via email.
Get it here (price: $0.99):
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