iPhone MMS – review
If you update your iPhone 3G to iPhone OS 3.0 or if you have iPhone 3GS then you have new feature: MMS aka "Multimedia Messaging Service". What’s that?
With MMS you can send pictures (iPhone 3G) and videos (iPhone 3GS only) – the same way as you send text messages aka SMS.
Instead of "SMS" the icon
is now called Messages and upon tapping it you can write text message but you see also an icon of a camera:
… so you can type text and you can embed a photo:
… and after sending, the MMS message appears in iPhone-typical clouds:
Note, that you can switch MMS off:
If you want to see how MMS looks upon arrival, click here – a raw picture as arrived over MMS (text is separate).
It is worth mentioning that target phone (the other side) does not have to support MMS – in that case MMS comes as SMS with link to a website and password to view it.
Conclusion: MMS in iPhone works, although not available yet in all countries and all carriers, but we understand that it will be slowly rolled out. The quality of photos sent over MMS is of course limited and if you would like to preserve high quality of photos then we recommend posting on one of many photo sharing services but only those that preserve original size. However if you have friends who use regular phones or you would like to show off something immediately – like that beach in Spain or those mountains in Switzerland – then now you will be to do it also if you have an iPhone!
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