iPhone 3G Battery Life Still Beats Rivals
If you are a new user to smart phones with push email and HSDPA connectivity and have just got your hands on the new iPhone 3G then battery life may be a bit of a shock for you. PC World have done some pretty extensive test of the iPhone 3G battery and find it to out perform many of it’s similarly specced rivals.
According to PC World "The battery life on Apple’s new 3G iPhone isn’t great, but it beats that of other 3G smart phones we’ve seen. PC World’s Test Center ran it through some standard talk-time battery life tests, and found that on average it ran 5 hours, 38 minutes, a running time they consider earns a Fair rating."
Some other good tips are to turn off the Locate Me feature in the settings and also to turn off the 3G if you are in poor signal areas as searching for a 3G signal can be very power consuming. I have tested the battery with both turned off and it makes a significant difference, so if you are going to be away from a power point a long time this is a must.
via PC World
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