By September 26, 2008

iPhone 3G and iPod Charge Converter

image We posted a while back (here, here and here) about the problems with the iPhone 3G no longer charging through the old Firewire charging pins and the trouble this caused with iPod docks but most commonly with car integration kits. Well a solution has just been announced which should be available from the 1st October and the guys tell me they ship worldwide. I have placed an order for one and will publish a full review when I get it. Full details of the converter after the break.

image Get your iPhone 3G and latest generation iPods charging with all iPod and iPhone devices. This adapter fixes the charging issue by converting Firewire power to USB, and passes through all other connections.

The adapter is 1.4 inches long with a male connector on one end and a female on the other. Plug the male end of the adapter into the bottom of your iPod or iPhone, and then attach the female end it to your interface cable or accessory.

The adapter doesn’t prevent the "accessory not made to work" if this is popping up on your iPhone or iPod when connected directly. Since the charge converter passes through all pins, a device that isn’t made to work with the iPhone or iPod will still trigger that message.

Available from Cablejive

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Posted in: Phones

About the Author:

Seasoned tech blogger. Host of the Tech Addicts podcast.
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