iPad apps are live in iTunes now
2 days before start of sales of iPad, Apple has switched on all the iPad apps…
You can see these apps for example by searching for iPad inside of iTunes on your PC or Mac.
However whenever you do search for something in iTunes you will get answers in 2 app categories: “Apps” (i.e. iPhone and iPod touch apps) and “iPad Apps” (i.e. apps especially for iPhone).
Interestingly some iPhone apps are made in “universal application” technology – something like “universal binary” for Mac OS X – and one and the same app supports both iPhone and iPad, i.e. it is showing iPad-specific user interface on iPad but iPhone-only user interface on iPod touch and iPhone.
When it comes to the question: should I buy my old apps again for iPad? The answer is: if these are “universal applications” then not, but if developer has released “xyz for iPad” or “xyz HD” or “xyz XL” version of apps, i.e. special versions for iPad, then answer unfortunately is: yes.
From screenshots of iPad apps that we have seen, we must say that they are extremely impressive. Furthermore some companies that didn’t bother to release apps for iPhone/iPod touch at all, are releasing now apps for iPad.
iPad revolution has begun.
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Apart from iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, you might be interested also in Windows Phone!
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