Immigration Assistant for iPhone released – emigrate to UK!
This app has been released yesterday so it is very fresh. While all EU citizens and citizens of European Economic Area (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland) can emigrate to UK easily without the need to get visas or permits, for people from USA, Asia, etc a new regulations regarding immigration to UK has been introduced in 2009… so this app may come in handy!
Here is how this immigration to UK application looks like:
Description from the developer:
Immigration Assistant from the Pocket Lawyer. The UK immigration system changed dramatically in 2009. This is a comprehensive guide to the new UK points based system for visas. Perfect for immigration lawyers & law students as well as those wanting to work in the UK. The application draws upon the official guidance published by the UK Border Agency.
Easy to navigate the app introduces you to the new system and tells you:
- How to apply.
- How points are allocated.
- What particular qualifications or skills are worth.
- Which visa is the most appropriate.
- What information has to be submitted and when.
- What the appeal procedure is.
- Find out the rules for:
- Highly Skilled Visas.
- Skilled Visas.
- Temporary Worker Visas.
- Student Visas.
Commentary: it is good to have an app on some specific topic because then, once info on given topic is updated, you will get updates through app store to your iPhone. Immigration Assistant is a nice little app that might be useful both for employers and employees from overseas.
Note to UK employers: before hiring somebody from outside of EU and European Economic Area (EEA) you need to post an advertisement about given job at local British press for at least 2 weeks. Otherwise you are not allowed to hire such people.
Get it here
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