HTC P3400 announced
Not mentioned as part of the Q1 line up, HTC announce the HTC P3400. Looks like an updated HTC Prophet!?
When you need to get something done while on the move, choose the right tool for the job. The HTC P3400 PDA is the perfect personal assistant in business.
With all the office tools on board you can be as demanding as you like with the HTC P3400. A truly global phone offering GSM/GPRS international roaming plus a full range of connectivity options with Bluetooth® 2.0 and Wi-Fi® means you’ll be connected just about anywhere.
This mobile device is a true “pocket PC”. Microsoft® Windows Mobile® 5.0 allows you to manage your Microsoft® Word and Excel® files, retrieve your emails instantly with direct push synchronisation, and log onto the internet with Internet Explorer®.
You can browse the web with Internet Explorer® and Pocket MSN®. Save your files to a SD card and sync with your PC through USB to take your music, video and images with you. Add a quality 2.0 megapixel camera for image and video capture, large 2.8 inch LCD touch screen for viewing files, and you’ll discover that the optimum business efficiency in the world doesn’t cost you the earth.
[Post tag(s): smartphone blog, Pocket PC blog, Windows Mobile blog, T-Mobile, Ameo, HTC Advantage, HTC Prophet, HTC P3400, Tracy & Matt]
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